.NET Core Slack Channel Sign Up

This will be the official sign up page for the .NET Core Slack Channel. Please share this page with your communities. Thanks for your participation! Core team members and community members have joined! Constant discussions on relative ASP.NET Core & .NET Core announcements, topic specific channels. Grow the community, be a good citizen and benefit from one another. The post on why I like it, why it's important....

Angular 2 : Continuous Integration to Azure using Codeship and the Angular CLI

Getting an application written is the first challenge, however having proper tests, running those tests in a continuous integration pipeline as well as deploying the application to your cloud host can be a task to setup. Here is a quickstart to create an application using the angular-cli, using codeship to build and run the test using the angular-cli and the push to a website on Azure. Using the angular-cli we can quickly create an application by executing the commands... ng new quickstart-ng-cli cd quickstart-ng-cli ng serve Once that is scaffolded out, create your GitHub repo and check in the source. For a full angular-cli walk through look at my post Angular 2: A Re-Quickstart using the CLI Codeship Go to...

Angular 2 : Organization Using {barrels}

The import statements in Angular 2 can get pretty cumbersome if you're using a lot of services, models, directives etc in any specific component. Looking at the basic "QuickStart", the app.component.ts doesn't seem very obtuse. import {Component} from 'angular2/core'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: '<h1>Quickstart</h1>' }) export class AppComponent { } However, looking at the Tour of Heroes example: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS } from '@angular/router-deprecated'; import { HeroService } from './hero.service'; import { DashboardComponent } from './dashboard.component'; import { HeroesComponent } from './heroes.component'; import { HeroDetailComponent } from './hero-detail.component'; @Component({ selector: 'my-app', template: ` <h1>{{title}}</h1> <nav>...

How To: Visual Studio 2015 & Angular 2

There has been a few request I have seen lately on how to get an Angular 2 development environment going using Visual Studio 2015. any one please guide me to video or blog, configuring Visual Studio 2015 for AngularJS 2 development using TypeScript— Dhananjay Kumar (@debug_mode) April 29, 2016 My recent post "Angular 2 : Getting off the Starting Line" takes the Angular Team's Quickstart and adds a gulp build process, this is the project I'll use for the walkthrough. First, clone https://github.com/spboyer/ng2-startingline . You can either do this on the command line or within the Visual Studio 2015 Git add in. Next, File > Open website and select the folder you cloned the project to. When...

2016 - The year of CLI

2016 is officially the year of the monkey, but I am calling it the year of the CLI (Command Line Interface). One of the recent talks I gave at DevIntersection was "Modern Web Toolchain". Mentioning CLI Tools and "Modern" does raise and eyebrow or two. It covers npm, bower, grunt (http://gruntjs.com), gulp etc. But more interestingly, about 50% of the talk is about command line tools; and more than just Yeoman. There are a number of either completely new or new versions of frameworks that are in the works for a version 1.0 release in 2016 and all of which are shipping a CLI tool. Angular 2.0 .NET Core NativeScript Aurelia Just to mention a few,...