Learning DevOps, building the ASP.NET Core Workshop, and keeping it up to date

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users. – Donovan Brown Build Status BackEnd Web API FrontEnd Razor Page App How often have you gone to a GitHub repo and found that the sample code is not up to date with the latest SDK, or doesn't even build? Over the last couple of weeks, I have jumped into updating (again) the ASP.NET Core Workshop the team uses for 1 and 2-day sessions at various conferences to .NET Core 2.1. However, as a part of that, we wanted to make sure that any future changes were checked and didn't just work on my machine. The workshop has a lot...

Why should we care about containers for development

There has probably been more than one time in your development career where you've spent a few hours troubleshooting an issue only to find out it was a dependency or versions issue right? Environments varying from one to next, outdated components and setting up development machines are frustrations we can all do without. Some of these issues we've solved with VMs, but managing the entire machine and underutilizing them for each environment is costly. This is where containers have come to solve many challenges. Why Containers It's no doubt that you have heard the buzz about containers over the last year or longer. If not containers, then some technology, framework, or tooling associated with it; Docker, Kubernetes, microservices are just...

Creating RazorPage apps using the CLI

While I was creating a recent test application with Razor Pages, I found myself clicking the "new file" button in VS Code too many times when I wanted to add a new Page. I really love the .NET CLI and with every release, there seems to be something I discover that has been added to either the core functionality or the templates. Running dotnet new this time around I fell upon the page template... Within your application, run dotnet new page and a new Razor Page is added to to the project. See the -h|--help some items removed for brevity $ dotnet new page -h -n, --name The name for the output being created. If no name is specified, the...

Searching docs using a .NET Core global tool

In 2016 at the MVP Summit hackathon I put together a .NET Core CLI Tool to search for docs on docs.microsoft.com and it worked well, but there were some shortcomings. It was scoped to the project, and there was no way to install the Nuget package using the command line tools or package manager. <ItemGroup> <DotNetCliToolReference Include="dotnet-doc" Version="1.0.0" /> </ItemGroup> Now with the availability of .NET Core Global tools, see announcement post here, where we can install the Nuget package globally like a node.js package npm install -g <package_name>, I took a few hours to update the project. dotnet install tool -g dotnet-doc Getting Started...

Cross platform code coverage arrives for .NET Core

If you have done any node.js development and have been required to hit code coverage marks prior to check in or CI/CD builds; you probably have used a tool like istanbul to check your percentages. image from instabul.js.org Getting code coverage reports on the command line for .NET Core has been a gap, and unless you are using Visual Studio Test or a 3rd party pay for play; getting this information was still only Windows only. A few weeks ago I attended a hackathon at the Microsoft MVP Summit and saw a glimpse into coverlet from Toni Solarin (@tonerdo) and he has hit the nail on the head! Using the quick test example on the docs...