
A 16-post collection

Angular 2: Application Settings using the CLI Environment Option

Application wide settings can be a long conversation when starting a new application. Here are just a few questions when some of my teams started this conversation: Do we use ENV variables? What about manual bootstrap? Configuration files? Should we get them from the server? Using angular-cli & environment.ts The new angular-cli have the concept of different environments like development (dev) and production (prod). When creating a new application with the cli ng my-app and /environments folder is a part of the scaffold which contains the environment files. . ├── environment.ts ├── . . and then within the /src/app folder is and environment.ts file. Here are the contents: export const environment = { production: false }; As you might imagine, the...

Deploying an Angular 2 App to Azure with Github

Recently John and I took some time away to discuss how to get an Angular 2 application deployed to Azure. There were some challenges here and there with configuration, discussions about "just wanting to code" and more; it was a lot of fun. Here is the result of that conversation. Check out the Play by Play on Pluralsight, and the All code samples can be found at github. In this course, John Papa and Shayne Boyer walk through how to build and deploy an Angular 2 app to Azure. You'll learn valuable tips on how to think about cloud deployment, how to mirror production environments locally using Gulp and Express, and how to use tools like Gulp, Github, and npm...

Weekly Ink - 6/21/16

After a week of vacation it's good to get back to some technology. Here are some of my favorites from last week, Dockercon 2016 and my various feeds. Enjoy! ASP.NET Core Angular 2, React, and Knockout apps on ASP.NET Core - Steve Sanderson ASP.NET Core and .NET Core Overview - Rick Strahl Using ASP.NET Core with the Command Line, Yeoman and Visual Studio Code - Jerrie Pelser Angular 2 / TypeScript The Future of Declaration Files - TypeScript Team Angular 2 Router Announcement - Angular Team Angular 2 RC 2 Released - Angular Team Docker Docker for AWS and Azure - Docker Blog Free HTTPS certificates for Docker containers running ASP.NET Core RC2 on Microsoft Azure...

Weekly Ink - 6/6/16

ASP.NET Core Here is another edition of "Weekly Ink", this week's post has a great entry from Rick on running ASP.NET Core on IIS, Cory shows how to add 3rd party libraries when using the angular CLI, see how to deploy docker containers to kubernetes on AWS seriously? and my favorite request has surfaced within VS Code; terminal built in! How To Specify Framework When Running ASP.NET Core Apps - Steve Smith Publishing and Running ASP.NET Core Applications with IIS - Rick Strahl Introduction to integration testing with xUnit and TestServer in ASP.NET Core - Andrew Lock Angular 2 Quick Angular 2 Hosting with the Angular CLI and GitHub Pages - TJ VanToll Angular 2...

Angular 2 : Application Settings using fetch

In a recent post, the CLI and environment.ts were used to determing the current running environment and what settings to use. However, there were some shortcomings to this approach not only in the fact that only development and production were supported but others mentioned as well. In Angular 1.x using manual bootstrap, where the application would need to do some work prior to starting up, was such a need that it has a home in the docs. However, in Angular 2 this pattern is not established. I started looking and asking, "What is the manual bootstrap for A2?" Of course, thanks to naming "bootstrap" is awful when paired with almost anything web. Nevertheless, there is a question and...