
A 2-post collection

Using Gulp for ASP.NET 5 & Visual Studio 2015

The default "ASP.NET 5 Preview Starter Web" template has everything you need out of the gate to get started on your next ASP.NET 5 project. On top of the responsive design, which has a new carousel control, it is also touch ready using hammer.js and is using grunt as the task runner. Another popular task runner is gulp.js, and in the next release there will be a default template provided. However, in the meantime as a part of the yeoman generator project I wanted to not only provide an equivalent for the grunt template, but also one that could be built upon. gruntfile.js First let's take a quick look at the grunt file module.exports...

ASP.NET 5 - wwwroot folder optional

Updated - 1.30.2014 After looking at the kpm pack or publishing step of this solution, there is an undesired affect. All of the folders in the root, now that this is the folder we are working in, will be published to the destination folders. Being approot & wwwroot (yes this is still created), this includes the bowercomponents, nodeemodules, your API code etc. Although IIS will keep you from browsing to the *.cs and other extensions for security sake, it is still not a clean solution. I have updated the dev branch of the git repository where wwwroot is put back in, and the gulpfile.js task called optimize now will publish the necessary files to this folder on...