Orlando Windows Phone & Metro User Group Announces - Dark Sky API Developer App Contest!

Orlando Windows Phone & Metro User Group Announces - Dark Sky API Developer App Contest!  Are you a Florida based developer?

Have some skills you're dying to show off?

Well now is the time!

 In support of the Florida .NET Development Community OrlandoWPUG is sponsoring a friendly contest of our development talent to find the best Windows Phone 7 and Windows 8 application using the Dark Sky API.

Dark Sky is a new kind of weather app. It uses state-of-the-art weather forecasting to predict when it will rain or snow — down to the minute — at your exact location, and presents it to you alongside the most beautiful radar visualizations you’ve ever seen.

Joel Martinez (@joelmartinez), founder of the Orlando .NET User Group (@ONETUG), has created the C# wrapper for the Dark Sky API - see the details on Github. Prizes - they are going to be good! There will be one grand prize for the "Best Windows Phone 7 Application" and one for the "Best Windows 8 Metro Application"

 Watch for more details - Sign up, follow Shayne Boyer aka TattooCoder, OrlandoWPUG Founder (@spboyer) and @OrlandoWPUG for announcements of start dates and further details....


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Hi, I'm Shayne Boyer, I write this site, work on ASP.NET Core content and Open Source, speak at national and community events while helping teams architect web and cloud applications.

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