Auto blogging Jekyll with Logic Apps, ACI Containers and .NET Core

All related links: Jekyll is a very popular way to host a static site on GitHub and posting new content is a simple as creating a markdown file and then committing it to the relative repo. GitHub takes care of the rest. See the help pages at GitHub -> Setting up your GitHub Pages site locally with Jekyll This seemed like a great way for me to get started on a blog for some content that was being stored in a CMS. The view we are interested in is updated once a week and is accessible via .NET Standard API. There are a few options for making this happen. I could write a console application...

dotnet-azure : A .NET Core global tool to deploy an application to Azure in one command

The options for pushing your .NET Core application to the cloud are not lacking depending on what IDE or editor you have in front of you. Visual Studio has a rich GUI interface with choices to pick pursuant to the architecture of your app - Web, Containers, SQL Server, Registries, etc.; and for years has excelled at delivering a full experience. VS Code offers a great Azure extension pack and in its own fashion delivers an experience to publish your web application directly to an AppService, Container and/or Registry too. If the command line experience is more your "thing", the Azure CLI is available and any resource publish option can be had through the az command. But what if...

Finding your next .NET Open Source project using the command line

Many years ago I wanted to jump into a project in open source but had no idea where to start. I had worked with node.js, .NET and some other web-based technology but wasn't sure where to start and GitHub was new to me. Ironically, I fell onto Omnisharp and the .NET Core yo aspnet projects through my Microsoft MVP Summit meetings that year. Flicking through Twitter, as one does, I came across an announcement from a friend Tierny (@bitandbang) where he had started a CLI tool for node.js projects called "good-first-issue" to find random GitHub Issues for projects submitted to his tool. There are a ton of open source projects asking for help on issues that have a...

Using ASP.NET Core with MongoDB in containers for local dev, CosmosDB for production

If nothing else is true, containers have made local development on a platform so much easier. If you want to use SQL Server for your backend just docker pull microsoft/mssql-server-linux and you can start up an instance with a few parameters. Azure CosmosDB is not available as a container, however, MongoDB is available and happens to be a database I have used in previous applications. MongoDB is one of the many APIs that CosmosDB supports; locally I can develop against an instance of Mongo either in a container or installed and simply change the connection string for my production instance. The flexibility of being able to use MongoDB and then just changing a connection string to use CosmosDB is...

Using Azure DevOps Pipelines and NuKeeper to Automate NuGet Package updates

Keeping your code update to with the latest references can at times be a challenge with the rate of speed third-party dependencies can revise. However, with security patches and bug fixes constantly plaguing us it is a necessary exercise. I have been using dotnet-outdated to quickly run checks on my projects and it has even been a huge help when getting some non-descript error messages in my code realizing I was missing a recent update. Looking at a way to extend this functionality or automate it, I came across Nukeeper and a write up from Scott Hanselman that mentioned that this one had a Repository Feature where running the command nukeeper repo <myrepo> would do the similar functions...