
A 14-post collection

Richmond Code Camp

I will be giving two talks this Saturday at Richmond Code Camp, being held at the University of Richmond in Richmond, Va.  For directions and more information visit follow @CodeCamp on Twitter. Schedule for other sessions here.   My Sessions Building Windows 8 Apps w/ MVVM Light 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM in Room 2 MVVM Light is a great toolkit for building Window Phone applications and has been updated for building Windows 8 Modern UI apps. In this session, you will learn how to get the package installed, what is different from Windows Phone development in MVVM Light and how to start your first app in Windows 8.  Introduction to...

RadCustomHubTile from Telerik for Windows 8 UI

Introduction Telerik recently released their Windows 8 UI Controls to RC on September 18th (see post here), and this is probably on the first in a series of posts I will put out showing them off. The first control here is the RadCustomHubTile.  I chose this because I am in the process of porting my Find Amber app from Windows Phone to Windows 8 and I wanted to transition the app without drifting too far from the spirit of the original app.  [![](]( from Telerik used here for Current List and Search...

Amber Alerts for Windows Phone - Find Amber: I built it!

Find Amber Available for Windows Phone Find Amber has finally been approved and is now available in the Windows Phone Store! This project is close to me, and not in a "I have lost a child" way thank God. But I do have children and if something were to happen to any of them I can't imagine what it would be like. There are ways to get this information but generally it is slow to deliver. Television, Radio, etc. but these delivery mechanisms are allow but allow for detail. In contrast, there is a text message service and/or the road signs that are available which solves the speed of delivery but the content is lacking. My solution was to...

SimpleIoc and the Messenger Service in MVVM Light

CodeProject The SimpleIoc addition in the most recent version of MVVMLight is a great add and really simplified the ViewModelLocator across all of the platforms supported in this framework. If you are not familiar with MVVM Light or what you types of project platforms it supports please go to or to learn more. However if you are using the Messenger Service in MVVM Light to perform a set of actions to do the following: User takes an action Application changes views Application send message to display or load data then it is important to note that there are some differences in the way that the ViewModels are loaded in comparison to the...

Southwest Florida Code Camp

I will be giving two talks this Saturday at Southwest Florida Code Camp. If you are interested in hearing about ASP.NET WebAPI and/or MVVM Light, stop by either of my talks.  8:30 - 9:40 AM (Room 128) - Introduction to ASP.NET WebAPI - Why you should be using it!  9:40 - 10:40 AM  (Room 128)  - Building Windows Phone Apps w/ MVVM Light  Hope to see you there, should be an exciting event!...