
A 5-post collection

Angular 2 : Application Settings using fetch

In a recent post, the CLI and environment.ts were used to determing the current running environment and what settings to use. However, there were some shortcomings to this approach not only in the fact that only development and production were supported but others mentioned as well. In Angular 1.x using manual bootstrap, where the application would need to do some work prior to starting up, was such a need that it has a home in the docs. However, in Angular 2 this pattern is not established. I started looking and asking, "What is the manual bootstrap for A2?" Of course, thanks to naming "bootstrap" is awful when paired with almost anything web. Nevertheless, there is a question and...

ASP.NET Core: Watching Code

Being able to edit code and see the changes on the fly is a big advantage when developing applications with all of the "moving parts" in today's tech stack. Simply hitting F5 doesn't cut it anymore. Everything needs to be compiled, minified, uglified, or transpiled to get your app to show up right. On the node.js side of the dev stack I have been using nodemon to watch files for changes and execute whatever functions need to be run and restart the node server for my client apps during development. nodemon ./server.js localhost 8080 Early on in the ASP.NET Core days, beta 3, I creates a nuget package called KMon that used nodemon under the covers to...

Angular 2 : Giving Your CLI a Server sure to read Angular 2:Re-Quickstart with the CLI Although the CLI includes a number of great features, the deployment of the application is a story or issue that is still under discussion (Production deploy #326). What is the right server, what are the features etc. A simple static server for Angular applications should be able to handle a few things: static files - like that pesky fav.ico, images, css, and javascript files deep links - routing to specific portion of our SPA maybe something simple like compression In this case, node.js using Express fits the bill. Let's see how to add it to the quickstart generated in the previous post. First, grab the index.js and...

Angular 2 : Getting off the Starting Line

The Angular team created a quickstart repo over at which is a great starter project template for basically a "Hello World" application. It provides: lite-server, which is a demo or local/development only server basic tests using karma typescript dependencies (tsconfig, typings) Getting started is included in the README, but it's simple # clone the repo git clone <your app name> # change directory to your app name cd <your app name> # delete the .git file to remove the binding from the angular repo rm -rf .git Now the code is set for you to create your own repo, git init, commit etc. Running the quickstart First make...

Picking the Right Tools for Your Project

CodeProjectOver the weekend I was able to release the first of many Windows 8 applications (Download and Rate here) into the store that I have been working on. This first one is just a RSS type application for, but it just the first version and the next installment will add more content.  If you have ever planned a good, cross platform application before you may or may not understand that picking the right tools for job are important, and yes even what you're using for the front end language matters sometimes as it did in my case here. Here is a run down of the application architecture components: Node.js REST API on Azure Express : MVC...