
A 11-post collection

Exploring multi-stage Docker builds for Angular apps

Figuring out the best way to build and deploy any application regardless of the tech stack can be a sprint all in itself. So many questions to answer: What CI/CD pipeline do you use? Can't we just use the CLI? What about right-click-publish? Git Deploy? npm, yarn ? Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, Containers...oh my!?!?! Yes or "it depends" is always the answer to these questions depending on the development shop you're working in. Docker, in version 1.17, introduced the concept of multi-stage builds which in short allows you to (in a single docker file) create images and utilize the output from one into the next to produce a final image and reduce the need for build scripts etc. See...

Organizing Azure resources with Tags

Creating a number of resources and organizing them in any software solution can get daunting without some sort of method to your madness. In a project, developers might decide to use logical folder structures or naming conventions based on a framework or what just makes sense. Azure Resource Groups is described as the "logical group" for organizing your items where a group contains all related resources for an application. But what if there is a need to categorize or put multiple labels on each of these resources? For instance, When was the resource created? Who created it? Is it a demo, production, test? Who or what department is the application for? Tags enable this exact functionality. The excerpt from the...

Push your images to Azure CDN on publish with gulp

Performance is always at the top of my mind when developing a web app. Using tools such as WebPageTest where a common hit against your grade will be the lack of CDN use will affect performance. Use of CDN - Each request for a piece of content to the web server has to travel from the user's browser all the way to the server and back. As you get further and further from the server this can become a significant amount of time (which adds up quickly as there are more requests on the page). Ultimately the time it takes is limited by the speed of light so there's not much you can do except to move your server closer...

Dipping the toe in the Azure Compute space and then some.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've just skimmed the areas of ARM templates, CLI, Docker on Linux, Azure Functions and AppService Web Apps. Check out these articles and let me know if there is something you'd like to see more on; there's a ton to talk about to solve any solution. dotnet new angular to Azure with Docker using CLI Visual Studio 2017 has been released and the features are great for Windows developers. However along with it comes .NET Core 1.0 tooling and large improvements to the command line experience for macOS and Linux users developing ASP.NET Core applications. One of the prevalent features shown off in VS 2017 is the Docker support and capabilities to...

Serverless like a Superhero with Azure Functions

In my most recent Pluralsight course, I spent some time talking about using Swashbuckle to create documentation for ASP.NET Core WebAPI applications. Swashbuckle is the .NET Core implementation of the OpenAPI Specification aka Swagger, but there are many other open source tools too for other languages. The demo project built was a simple "traditional" ASP.NET Core API that generated a "Superhero Name" based on a FirstName and LastName passed to the GET method. The old API architecture The architecture would not surprise anyone who has seen an MVC structure for ASP.NET Web API projects, except the .NET Core portions. Controllers, Views, Startup.cs, etc., published to an Azure AppService running on IIS. If this were a node....