
A 5-post collection

Angular 2 : Getting off the Starting Line

The Angular team created a quickstart repo over at which is a great starter project template for basically a "Hello World" application. It provides: lite-server, which is a demo or local/development only server basic tests using karma typescript dependencies (tsconfig, typings) Getting started is included in the README, but it's simple # clone the repo git clone <your app name> # change directory to your app name cd <your app name> # delete the .git file to remove the binding from the angular repo rm -rf .git Now the code is set for you to create your own repo, git init, commit etc. Running the quickstart First make...

DEVIntersection Spring 2016

Come out to Orlando, April 16-22 at the Disney Swan Hotel and see me and my friends speak about all of the latest and greatest technology. REGISTER using the code BOYER and save $$$. Register before March 1 for a workshop package and get your choice of Microsoft Band 2, Surface 3, or XBOX ONE. I'll talking about Getting Started with the Modern Web Toolchain - Bower, gulp, npm may or may not be new terms to you when sitting down for your next application. Getting an understanding of what these tools can do to help inside and outside of your IDE will streamline your development team to a faster path to production. Check out this session for a quick intro...

Using Gulp for ASP.NET 5 & Visual Studio 2015

The default "ASP.NET 5 Preview Starter Web" template has everything you need out of the gate to get started on your next ASP.NET 5 project. On top of the responsive design, which has a new carousel control, it is also touch ready using hammer.js and is using grunt as the task runner. Another popular task runner is gulp.js, and in the next release there will be a default template provided. However, in the meantime as a part of the yeoman generator project I wanted to not only provide an equivalent for the grunt template, but also one that could be built upon. gruntfile.js First let's take a quick look at the grunt file module.exports...

ASP.NET 5 - wwwroot folder optional

Updated - 1.30.2014 After looking at the kpm pack or publishing step of this solution, there is an undesired affect. All of the folders in the root, now that this is the folder we are working in, will be published to the destination folders. Being approot & wwwroot (yes this is still created), this includes the bowercomponents, nodeemodules, your API code etc. Although IIS will keep you from browsing to the *.cs and other extensions for security sake, it is still not a clean solution. I have updated the dev branch of the git repository where wwwroot is put back in, and the gulpfile.js task called optimize now will publish the necessary files to this folder on...

Gulp Your TypeScript in ASP.NET 5

CodeProject If you have done any typescript development in Visual Studio in previous versions, you more than like are using the Web Essentials add in to perform the compilation to Javascript. Another option is to add a gulp task now that we have gulp and grunt support within Visual Studio. The other value add is if you are a non Visual Studio user this solution works just the same. Project Creation In Visual Studio 2015, File > New Project > ASP.NET Web Application > ASP.NET 5 Empty or using the ASP.NET Yeoman Generator $ yo aspnet _-----_ | | .--------------------------. |--(o)--| | Welcome to the | `---------´ | marvellous ASP.NET 5 | ( _´U`_ ) | generator! | /___A___\ '--------------------------' | ~ | __'.___.'__ ´ ` |° ´ Y ` ? What type of application do...