
A 2-post collection

How To: Visual Studio 2015 & Angular 2

There has been a few request I have seen lately on how to get an Angular 2 development environment going using Visual Studio 2015. any one please guide me to video or blog, configuring Visual Studio 2015 for AngularJS 2 development using TypeScript— Dhananjay Kumar (@debug_mode) April 29, 2016 My recent post "Angular 2 : Getting off the Starting Line" takes the Angular Team's Quickstart and adds a gulp build process, this is the project I'll use for the walkthrough. First, clone https://github.com/spboyer/ng2-startingline . You can either do this on the command line or within the Visual Studio 2015 Git add in. Next, File > Open website and select the folder you cloned the project to. When...

Using Gulp for ASP.NET 5 & Visual Studio 2015

The default "ASP.NET 5 Preview Starter Web" template has everything you need out of the gate to get started on your next ASP.NET 5 project. On top of the responsive design, which has a new carousel control, it is also touch ready using hammer.js and is using grunt as the task runner. Another popular task runner is gulp.js, and in the next release there will be a default template provided. However, in the meantime as a part of the yeoman generator project I wanted to not only provide an equivalent for the grunt template, but also one that could be built upon. gruntfile.js First let's take a quick look at the grunt file module.exports...